Data Providers

Data providers give PointShop flexibility on where data for each players Points and Items are stored. By Default, PointShop uses the PData provider.


This provider uses the built in Player.GetPData and Player.SetPData functions. Data from these functions is stored in the sv.db file on the server.

The sv.db file can be transferred between servers. This will keep all Point and Item data for players.

PS.Config.DataProvider = 'pdata'


This provider uses text files in the garrysmod/data/pointshop folder. Each player is given their own file in this folder and their data is stored in JSON format.

The garrysmod/data/pointshop folder can be transferred between servers. This will keep all Point and Item data for players.

PS.Config.DataProvider = 'data'


The MySQL provider is available as a separate download from the pointshop-mysql GitHub repository. This provider connects to a MySQL server and supports synchronizing Points and Items between servers.

PS.Config.DataProvider = 'mysql'
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