
You can develop your own Data Provider if the default ones do not match your requirements. You could create a provider that interacts with a web service, for example.


Required: Yes
Type: String
Description: Sets the Data Provider to fall back to should this provider fail.

PROVIDER.Fallback = 'pdata'

PROVIDER:GetData(ply, callback)

Required: Yes
Arguments: Player ply, Function callback
Realm: Server
Description: Called when PointShop requests data for a player that has joined.

function PROVIDER:GetData(ply, callback)
    callback(10, {}) -- returns 10 points and no items

PROVIDER:SetData(ply, points, items)

Required: Yes
Arguments: Player ply, Number points, Table items
Realm: Server
Description: Called when PointShop requests that data is saved.

function PROVIDER:SetData(ply, points, items)
    MsgN('Saving data for player', ply:Nick(), points, util.TableToJSON(items)) -- Outputs the data to the console.
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